
Musings on diets, weight loss and then some!

I’m So Eggcited!


Have you ever heard of an egg-fast? It’s where you eat only eggs for a period of 3-5 days for quick weight loss. Don’t judge, I know it’s a fad diet, but nonetheless, sometimes I just need a jump-start to get things going.

I have maintained overall eating habits for the last few weeks, but I have noticed that this last week has been filled with carby contraband. It started out with mudslides at a friend’s house, and ended last night with an ice cream sundae.

I woke up feeling sluggish and puffy. When I am aware of how my pants are feeling across my backside, I know it’s time to take swift action.

Enter the egg-fast! My plan for the next 3-5 days is to eat an egg based diet. I’ve done this before to jump-start things and had great results. I know that most of the weight lost is water, but let’s face it, bloat can make one feel really uncomfortable in their own skin.

I should mention that I broke down and bought a scale this week. I went without one for about two months, and although the freedom from it was sweet, the lack of accountability isn’t a good fit for food addicts like me.

I was a little shocked this morning when I woke up and discovered I had reached 207 pounds.. I know I am a tall girl, but really! I am getting dangerously close to what my husband weighs. Being over 200 pounds does something to my sense of femininity, and that something isn’t positive.

At 5’10”, I can carry extra weight, but being tall isn’t really an excuse to be overweight. So, time to get this weight loss party started.

What the egg-fast provides for me is a no brainer plan. I already know what my menu will consist of, so I don’t have to do any fancy meal planning. Keeping up with my food journal is a breeze, because I am not entering in a lot of different food items to look up.

Wish me luck! Join me if you are so inclined, and let’s see where we at the end of three days, and maybe I’ll make it to five days.

Day 1
Weight: 207

2 Eggs Scrambled with a tablespoon of flax-seed meal.

2 Hard Cooked Eggs

3 Egg omelet with asparagus and homemade hollandaise sauce.

I’ll check in tomorrow.

Author: Patti Opinion

Nutritional counselor and advocate for the LCHF lifestyle. You do not have to sacrifice flavor, and variety to live a low carb lifestyle.

4 thoughts on “I’m So Eggcited!

  1. You should try poached eggs too ๐Ÿ™‚ Just to get a different type ๐Ÿ™‚ It’s not as hard to make as you would think, bring the water up to a boil, add whitewine vinegar & pinch of salt – turn down the heat & plop the egg’s in – cook for a few minutes and wa-wom, Bob’s your uncle!


  2. I should probably do this over the weekend ๐Ÿ™‚ Since it seems my weight is staggering a bit now.


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